miércoles, 4 de enero de 2017

A one on one with Thom

Are a lot of persons I would like to speak, even in my own generation of university are lot of  classmates I would like to know more of thembut I even did it. So Im choose one person maybe you know. He is Thom Yorke. This guy is an amazing artist, and maybe you heard him before because is the vocalist of Radiohead. He was born in 1968, in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England. He makes music by his own, like solist, but also into groups like Radiohead and Atoms for Peace. The contrast between his music at the beginning and the actual one is really high. He start with some music pretty quite (I love it), and now is full of electric sounds. I start to hear Thom with Radiohead, when I was like 12 years old. I was amazed by his music, and probably listened it every day when I came back to house after the school. I remember that my favourite songs was Nude, No surprises, Paranoid Android and Idioteque. One time, I'd made a bet with a partner of class where we can choose the premium, and I won, so I asked the cd "The best of" (the best of Radiohead, of course jajaja). Long afternoons, evenings and nights (specially nights) with those songs in my head. I have pretty good memories of those times.
The style of Atoms for Peace is more intense, more  hard. I discovered it not long ago, and when I did it, I felt really good with all those beats.
If I could have a one on one with him, I will ask him:
-what really happen with his eye
-about whatever he wants to talk about his life
-to sing me a song, whatever he wants, and probably I would treat to sing and dance with him
Here is a video, hope u like it

Resultado de imagen para thom yorke

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016

So interesting subject

My favourite subject of this semester is probably Biogeography, and I have mencioned it previously, on the post of "My last weekend". I don't came so much to classes on this semester because I'm fall ill, but the subject I most like to study is this one, Bio. The teacher is Víctor Quintanilla, an pernickety and funny man <3. We are just four persons on the class, and that is great, because the teacher answer us any questions, by trivial may those be. I have the classes divided on the thursdays and fridays by the afternoon, and for just 1 hour and half, a really relaxed timetable. This lets me stay paying attention by all the class, not getting bored thinking about the time left. 
The subject is really interesting because we learn about the biomas, the scientific name of the threes, how and why those are there, and of course, the human factor. We learn to discern the species which are introduced into our country, the dissapearance of other ones that are natives, and the possibles "why". This class doesn't deal so much about the fauna, is more concentrated on the plants life, but obviously is mentioned for make us an idea of the diversity altogether.
The pic below is of professor Quintanilla, in our last terrain trip.
The classmates of my generation will have this subject the next semester. So guys, I hope you enjoyed it!
Postdate to teacher Victor: if you see this one day, don't get angry <3

Hobbie Bobby

Hi there! How are you, people? Hope fine :) Today I will talk to you  about the numer one of my hobbies, and it is... (tutututúm): my bike. I started to ride on bike really recently, about 2014. The little story of how it started commes like that:
When I was a child (4 or 5 years, maybe) I had one bike with training wheels, but didn't pass so much time for his break down (I think I could played with it about two months). Then, my grandpas never sold me one bike again and I suffered a lot for that jajajja With the pass of years, I never learnt to ride on bike without training wheels, I remember that my cousin Daniel used to lent me his bike, but I was up like two seconds and couldn't start to pedal. Anyway, trying was funny. When I was 17 years old, I wanted to make a gift to myself, so I bought a bike on San Diego. I wanted it on part because I always was out of the house and taking and waiting lot of buses and subways, and used to get me bored; and by the other way was the dessires to make a constant physical activity and could release energies. As I didn't know how to ride on bike, but I had one and wanted it like my formal way to translate me, I started to practice and in a few days I could drive from Av. Matta to Quilin subway's station.  My life changed a lot, I felt the need of take my bike all days and get outside, and was like that. Even I lost like 3 kilograms in one month jajjaj
Now the experience has given me more security over the bike than 2 years ago. I really love to ride on it, it's like a big moment of freedom and relax. I had other hobbies too, like draw and sing, but I think this is the more I practice.

The photo below is from the last summer, driving by the Quintero's beachfront at night.

So I bought a 

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

A famous chilean

Hi people, I want to talk you about a chilean that I really like. His name is Patricio Guzman, a filmmaker that is very recognized at international level. He had made beautiful documentarys about the Dictatorship of Chile, and wons important awards because of those, like the Silver Bear award on Berlin in 2015 (with his documentary "El Botón de Nácar"). I like his work, because I think he express very profound feelings, such social as about himself. The way to describe the historic events makes me feel a deep nostalgia and melancholy, although I didn't live them. His way to talk his very relax and serious, which could make feel some people that the film goes really slow. For me, isn't it.
The life of this man. He was born on 1941, in Santiago de Chile, was an student in the Instituto Nacional. After that, he gots into the Instituto Pedagógico of the Universidad de Chile, to study History & Geography and Filosophy, but he didn't finish any of those careers. He got cinema studies on Chile and Madrid. On 1973 he was arrested and carried to the Estadio Nacional, where he satyed for two weeks. After it, he leaved to the exile, and could work out there. On Cuba, he makes the famous trilogy of La batalla de Chile (1973-1976): La insurrección de la burguesía 1975; El golpe de estado 1976; El poder popular 1979.
If I could talk with him, I think that I probably just listen to him. Maybe the questions will comes to me into the same conversation, but now, I dont know what I could say.

Link de trailer La nostalgia de la luz.


jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Nice day, nice girls

I think it was on the 2013, I cant remember well the year jajja Well, my family and I had planned a travel to Republica Dominicana on September, for the 18's week.My group of friends at school knew that, and wished me the best for this trip. When the time for this travel was like three days away, the birthday of one of my friends was closed, and we organized a secret/surprise celebration on her house for the previous day of her birth. When we arrived on her house, all my friends told "shhhh...we need to be on silence, she didnt know that we are here", so I stay quite same as they. I wanted to go to the bathroom first, and when I went out, all was on silence, and I went into the living room because thay was there. When I opened the door, those womans jumped over me and told me "Surpriseeee!!!!". I didn't knew what was going on, but when I saw rhe wall, there was a big paper wich says "Nice trip, Fran, we love you so much", and it had a few draws of palm trees, a sun, and the beauty one was the draw of the five of us, all together. My friends bought some things to eat (and for drink, of course jajaja) so we stayed there and passed a nice time. If I remember it well,  after this we went outside to a party. So...the surprise was for me, and it was a big trap jajja Those times and those girls are things that I remember with so much affection.

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016

My last weekend

The last and long weekend was like this: the friday I spent my time with Mau (my classmate, you know him) like two very lazzy humans, sprawleds in the house, just talking. The next day, on saturday, I went to buy a gift for my cousin because was her birthday. She dont eat food with gluten (but she isnt celiac), so I bought her a bottle of lemon and ginger juice, and a box of corn flakes cereal. She likes it very much, and I hope that the baby (she's pregnant) likes it too. So I spent the afternoon with family, eating some ice cream and sharing lot of laughs (I have a joker family). By the 6 pm, I met with Mau and we took the "teatime" together. After that we went to the bus terminal, because he will go to Concepción. It was a nice time for me. The sunday I met with a friend that I didnt had seen for a long time. We went to drive on  bike and talked about our actual lifes jajajja he always was a funny guy, and that day I almost threw him of his bike (by accident, of course). He put a scared face, and we laugh a lot about it, even later when we remembered it. Was great to saw us. The Monday I went to my grandmother's house, and we organized mountains of clothes that we will sell the next sunday in the Plaza Almagro. I put a cd of "De Gardel a Piazzolla", amd at the meanwhile we was seeing the clothes, we danced a little bit of tango (almost tried it). I love to go to her house, makes me feel relax. And the last day was full of university's sudy. I was preparing some studies the other days, but this one day was really JUST study. But it wasnt bored, because was my favourite subject: Biogeography <3.

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

A book

Today I´ll write about a book that I could recommend. The book is called The country of last things. This book was written by Paul Auster, who is american guy. I knew this book because a partner of class, Mauricio Arenas, had it, and he wanted to share it with me, like other books he have. I really liked this book, because talks about a city on ruins, where the protagonist (Anna Blume) had to face lot of material obstacles, conflicts with other persons, and be exposed to danger, but the most relevant for me is all the controversial that she could  experiment inside of her by all the travel. As we know since we are childs (because of Language and Communication class subject)   "every travel brings and means an inside travel", and I think you could recognize by yourselfs and your owns ways of life that it's true. 
I like the writing way of Paul Auster, I think he express profound things with simple phrases. And simple doesn´t mean easy.
Left here is the cover of the original book, and the man at the right is Paul. I hope you could enjoy if you read this book eventually.

               Portada      Resultado de imagen para paul auster