jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

A famous chilean

Hi people, I want to talk you about a chilean that I really like. His name is Patricio Guzman, a filmmaker that is very recognized at international level. He had made beautiful documentarys about the Dictatorship of Chile, and wons important awards because of those, like the Silver Bear award on Berlin in 2015 (with his documentary "El Botón de Nácar"). I like his work, because I think he express very profound feelings, such social as about himself. The way to describe the historic events makes me feel a deep nostalgia and melancholy, although I didn't live them. His way to talk his very relax and serious, which could make feel some people that the film goes really slow. For me, isn't it.
The life of this man. He was born on 1941, in Santiago de Chile, was an student in the Instituto Nacional. After that, he gots into the Instituto Pedagógico of the Universidad de Chile, to study History & Geography and Filosophy, but he didn't finish any of those careers. He got cinema studies on Chile and Madrid. On 1973 he was arrested and carried to the Estadio Nacional, where he satyed for two weeks. After it, he leaved to the exile, and could work out there. On Cuba, he makes the famous trilogy of La batalla de Chile (1973-1976): La insurrección de la burguesía 1975; El golpe de estado 1976; El poder popular 1979.
If I could talk with him, I think that I probably just listen to him. Maybe the questions will comes to me into the same conversation, but now, I dont know what I could say.

Link de trailer La nostalgia de la luz.


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